2022.4.23 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision,” at the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Trapped Quantum Systems(APTQS 2022) (22 April 2022, Online) |
2022.3.8 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision,” at Optical Society of Japan Optoelectronics Industry-Academia Collaboration Expert Committee 328th Study Group "Light Day" Open Symposium (8 March 2022, Online) |
2022.2.16 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision,” at the 4th Symposium of the Optical and Quantum Leap Flagship Program (Q-LEAP) to commemorate the Medal with Purple Ribbon and the award. (15 Feburuary 2022, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Online) |
2022.1.26 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator/computer with attosecond precision,” at Quantum Simulations and Computations with Cold Atoms-2022 (QSCCA 2021) (26-28 January 2022, TCG CREST, Online) |
2022.1.25 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Development of an ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond precision and its application to quantum computing,” at an in-house seminar of Sony Group Corporation. (25 January 2022,Sony Group Corporation, Online) |
2022.1.24 | Our new paper has appeared on arXiv.
"Ultrafast Many-Body Dynamics in an Ultracold Rydberg-Excited Atomic Mott Insulator” V. Bharti, S. Sugawa, M. Mizoguchi, M. Kunimi, Y. Zhang, S. de Léséleuc, T. Tomita, T. Franz, M. Weidemüller, and K. Ohmori arXiv:2201.09590 (2022). |
2021.11.24 | Our new paper has appeared on arXiv. "Ultrafast energy exchange between two single Rydberg atoms on the nanosecond timescale,” Yeelai Chew, Takafumi Tomita, Tirumalasetty Panduranga Mahesh, Seiji Sugawa, Sylvain de Léséleuc, and Kenji Ohmori arXiv:2111.12314 (2021). |
2021.8.12 | Dr. Seiji Sugawa gave an invited lecture on the development of an ultrafast quantum simulator in 2G at the 1st Q-LEAP Next Generation Laser Area Symposium. |
2021. 6.4 | Enjoy a lab tour by Dr. Tomita (in Japanese), as well as his two lectures on “Quantum simulation with cold atoms”: “Atoms in lattice” and “Rydberg atoms”. The videos were shot and hosted by the “Quantum Education” project of the Q-LEAP program. |
2021.6.25 | Our new PRISM project (Project Leader: Prof. Kenji Ohmori; Public/Private R&D Investment Strategic Expansion PrograM) has been approved by the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan! This funding re-enforces and extends our Large-Scale 10-year “MEXT Q-LEAP” project (Project Leader: Prof. Kenji Ohmori; 2018-2028) for the “Development of cold-atom based quantum simulators and computers”, where we interlink “ultrafast” and “ultracold” technologies for the first time. The project is run in collaboration with the groups of Prof. Takahashi at Kyoto University, Prof. Uetake at Okayama University and Prof. Danshita at Kinki University. | 2021.4.23 |
Mr. Villela, Welcome to Ohmori lab.!
2021.3.26-28 | Dr. Takafumi Tomita was a lecturer at the “Quantum Information Spring School 2021” teaching about “Rydberg atom quantum simulator and computer”. |
2021.3.26 |
Mr.Mizoguchi, Congratulations on receiving your doctor's degree!
2021. 3.26 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator with attosecond precision" at EU FET Project COPAC Symposium “Parallel Computing Quantum Devices” (23-25 March 2021, Online) |
2021.3.20 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at the Symposium “Quantum Computing: Status and Outlook” at the 68th JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics) Spring Meeting 2021 (16-19 March 2021, Online). |
2021.2.19 | Prof. Ohmori has been invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator with attosecond precision" at the 15th Femtochemistry conference (FEMTO15 ) (25-30 July 2021, Berlin, Germany)(Postponed to 2023 due to Covid-19 pandemic). |
2021. 1.7 | (Update from 3G) Ever more atoms! After upgrading the optical setup last year, this time we turned to the trapping laser wavelength to make more traps. For a given laser intensity, the atoms experience a stronger confinement when the laser is closer to the atomic resonance. By going three times closer to the 5S-5P resonance, we could increase the number of traps from 225 to 800 (the world’s largest level). While it comes with drawbacks (more scattering, larger vector light shifts), we have been able to deal with them so far. Next step: a few thousand atoms?
2021. 1.4 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about "Ultrafast and ultracold quantum simulator with attosecond precision" at DAMOP 2021 (52nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics). (31 May-4 June 2021, Online) |
2021. 1.4 | Happy new year! Dr. Sylvain de Léséleuc gave an invited lecture on “Many-body physics with Rydberg atoms” at a workshop organized by Dept. Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo (‘New Developments of Applied Physics’). |
2020.12.11 | Professor Kenji Ohmori gave a talk about “Ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond precision at ultracold temperatures”(abstract of the talk)on the web seminor at OIST. (11 December, 2020). | 2020.11.30 | Cheers to your family and the new little one, Dr.Bharti! We wish you all the best.
2020.10.19-20 | Dr.Sylvain De Leseleuc had selected as a ‘Highly Commended’ runner up for the IOP International Quantum Technology Emerging Researcher Award on the virtual conference.(certificate of commendation) | 2020. 10 | Yeelai Chew won the Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan 2020 on the web.(The Physical Society of Japan ) | 2020.9.29 | Professor Kenji Ohmori gave a talk about “Ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond precision at ultracold temperatures” on the web. (Fundamental Sciences and Quantum Technologies using Atomic Systems (FSQT 2020) organized by Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division Physical Research Laboratory, supported by SciRox, Science Club, GNDU, Amritsar, Punjab, India, 29 September, 2020). |
2020.09.28-29 | Dr. Takafumi Tomita attended the 2nd Cold Atom Workshop “Atom no kai” and gave a one-hour invited presentation on the topic: “Quantum simulation and computation with assembled arrays of Rydberg atoms”. | 2020.9.18 | Best wishes for your baby's happy future, Dr.Sugawa. Happy wedding, Dr. Tomita. We wish you all the best. Sweets are forever!
2020.9.10 | (Update from 3G) We keep scaling up our number of optical tweezers! In June, Dr. Tomita replaced the old NA=0.4 objective and its severe spherical aberrations by our amazing diffraction-limited NA=0.75 objective; offline characterization of its performance suggests that our tweezers size will be reduced from 1.5 μm to 0.6 μm! After much contortion to install and finely adjust the objective (requirement of better than 0.05°…), the hard-work paid off and we can now trap up to 225 atoms, a ten-fold improvement.
2020.8.10 | Professor Kenji Ohmori's lecture ( see the lecture video) on “Ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond precision at ultracold temperatures" (India-Japan webinar on quantum technologies organized by the Embassy of India, Tokyo, supported by the governments of India and Japan, 28 July 2020). | |
2020.6.23 | Our new paper has been published in Physical Review Letters, a flagship journal of American Physical Society.
"Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice" Michiteru Mizoguchi, Yichi Zhang, Masaya Kunimi, Akira Tanaka, Shuntaro Takeda, Nobuyuki Takei, Vineet Bharti, Kuniaki Koyasu, Tetsuo Kishimoto, Dieter Jaksch, Alexander Glaetzle, Martin Kiffner, Guido Masella, Guido Pupillo, Matthias Weidemüller, and Kenji Ohmori Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 253201 (2020). IMS Press Release (website) | 2020.6.9 | (Update from 3G) Mahesh obtained his first Rydberg spectrum with our picosecond pulsed lasers. After spectrally shaping the pulses to decrease their bandwidth from 1 THz to ~100 GHz, he could resolve the series of Rydberg states from n = 32 to 36. Nice! The plot shows the probability to excite the atoms to a Rydberg state (observed as an atom loss, after ~10 pulses) versus the laser detuning from the ionization threshold.
2020.6.8 | After three years as an IMS fellow in our group, Dr. Yichi Zhang is moving back to the State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices (Shanxi University) as an Associate Professor! Thanks for all the hard work on the optical lattice setup, with some beautiful results currently in press.
2020.5.8 | (Update from 3G) Chew succeeded in ordering a small array of atoms by moving them one by one with an automated moving tweezers [original demonstration is from Barredo et al., Science 354, 1021 (2016)]. Congrats! The picture shows atomic arrays having been re-assembled from a random state into a checkerboard pattern or two rows of 4 atoms.
2020.2.7 | The Kyoto and Okazaki optical tweezers teams met and had great discussions about their respesctive works with Ytterbium (at Kyoto, in the laboratory of Prof. Takahashi) and Rubidium (here). Thanks Takei and your team for coming here, next time we go to Kyoto! | 2020.1.29 | (Update from 3G) We made our first holographic arrays of tweezers using a spatial light modulator (SLM) from Hamamatsu Photonics. The left picture is a one-shot fluorescence image of single atoms, randomly loaded in the tweezers with a probability of ~50%. The right picture is obtained by averaging more than 20000 such single-shot images.
2020.1.22 | (Update from 3G) The specially-designed objective (NA = 0.75) for the optical tweezers experiment arrived, thanks Special Optics! Tomita will be checking its performance and then replace the old objective (Mitutoyo NA = 0.4, no window correction) to create beautiful arrays of tweezers. The pictures show how massive (1 kg, length 170 mm, diameter 75 mm) is the new objective compared to the commercial Mitutoyo objective, due to our strict requirements on having both large NA and long working distance.
2020.1.17 | Professor Kenji Ohmori has been appointed to a Councilor of the prestigious Gordon Research Conferences (website). |
2020.1.7-9 | Prof. Kenji Ohmori attended the GRC Quantum Control of Light and Matter2021 Chair's Training at Singapore. (7-9 January 2020, Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel, Singapore) |
2019.12.16-18 | Prof. Kenji Ohmori co-chaired the meeting with Prof. Tommaso Calarco;“EU-Japan bilateral meeting on Quantum Science”of“EU-USA-Japan International Symposium on Quantum Technology”(website/program) held at Kyoto Brighton Hotel in Kyoto and was invited to give a talk at “Topical Conference on Quantum Computing 2019. (16-18 December 2019, Kyoto Brighton Hotel, Kyoto) |
2019.12.14-15 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at the “Annual Conference Series title: Frontiers in Synthetic Quantum Systems, 2019 Focus: Quantum Simulations in Optical Lattices and Beyond”(website). (14-15 December 2019, Tianping Hotel, Shanghai, China). |
2019.11.14 | We obtained our first picture of a single Rb-87 atom trapped in an optical tweezers.
2019.10.21-25 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about “Development of an ultrafast quantum simulator and its application to quantum computing” at the Conference "Quantum Computing in Near Term” (21-25 Oct. 2019) within the framework of the Programme on “Quantum Simulation - from Theory to Applications” held at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) of the University of Vienna fromSeptember 2 to October 31, 2019 (website). (21-25 October 2019, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) |
2019.10.17-18 | Professor Kenji Ohmori was invited to the EU Quantum Flagship event in Helsinki as a representative to the Japanese government. (website/program)(October 17-18 2019, Aalto University, Finland, Helsinki) |
2019.10.14 | Our new paper has appeared in arXiv. “Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice” Michiteru Mizoguchi, Yichi Zhang, Masaya Kunimi, Akira Tanaka, Shuntaro Takeda, Nobuyuki Takei, Vineet Bharti, Kuniaki Koyasu, Tetsuo Kishimoto, Dieter Jaksch, Alexander Glaetzle, Martin Kiffner, Guido Masella, Guido Pupillo, Matthias Weidemüller, and Kenji Ohmori arXiv:1910.05292. |
2019.9.27 | We have succeeded in generating a magneto-optical trap of Rb-87 atoms with our new apparatus.
2019.9.20 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk about “Development of an ultrafast quantum simulator with attosecond and nanometer precision and its application to quantum computing(you tube)" at JST CRDS. (22 September, JST Tokyo Headquarters, Tokyo) |
2019.8.11-16 | Prof. Ohmori worked as a Vice Chairman of “2019 Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter: Coherent Control of Quantum Systems with Increasing Complexity” (website). (11-16 August 2019, Salve Regina University, Newport, USA) |
2019.8.1 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at the 14th Femtochemistry Conference (website) on “Ultrafast Many-body Electron Dynamics in a Strongly Correlated Ultracold Rydberg Gas".(abstract of the talk) (1 August 2019, Jin Jiang Hotel, Shanghai, China). |
2019.7.1 | Prof. Ohmori was invited by Prof. Thomas Killian and Prof. Kaden Hazzard to give a talk at P&A AMO Seminar of Rice University (website) on “Ultrafast Many-body Electron Dynamics in a Strongly Correlated Ultracold Rydberg Gas".(abstract of the talk) (1 July 2019, Rice University, Houston, USA). |
2019.6.25-29 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at a workshop on “Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy in Condensed-Phase Materials and Bio-Systems” (website). (25-29 June 2019, Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC), Telluride, USA). |
2019.6.19-21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at “International Symposium: Highly-excited States and Non-covalent Interactions”. (19-21 June 2019, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK) |
2019.6.6-9 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at a workshop on “the 4th International Workshop on Rydberg Atoms and Molecules” (website).(6-9 June 2019, Hangzhou, China) |
2019.5.20 | We have uploaded a new promotion video. |
2019.5.6-7 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at an IAS Workshop on “Quantum Simulation of Novel Phenomena with Ultracold Atoms” (website).(abstract of the talk)(6-7 May 2019, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China) |
2019.4.22 | Prof. Ohmori delivered an invited lecture at JST CRDS on “International trends of quantum simulation and its future challenges”. (22 April (13:30-15:30), JST Tokyo Headquarters, Tokyo) |
2019.4.1 | A new Research Assistant Professor Takafumi Tomita has arrived. A new Postdoctoral Fellow Masaya Kunimi has arrived. |
2019.3.16 | A new tenured Assistant Professor Sylvain de Léséleuc has arrived. |
2019.3.14 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a lecture at the “2019 Annual (74th) Meeting (All divisions) of the Physical Society of Japan”(website) on "International trends of quantum simulation and its future challenges". (14 March 2019, Fukuoka, Japan). |
2019.2.21-22 | Prof. Peter Zoller at University of Innsbruck stayed in our group and gave a colloquium lecture (website). We discussed with Professor Zoller for ongoing and future projects including "JSPS Specially Promoted Research” and “MEXT Q-LEAP".
2019.2.1 | Prof. Ohmori was invited by Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) to give a lecture at the “1st Academic-Industrial Collaboration Seminar” on " Challenging 100 years’ mystery of quantum mechanics". (1 February 2019, Tokyo, Japan). |
2018. 11.3 | Professor Kenji Ohmori gave a public lecture at prestigious "Hamamatsu Conference" on “Challenging 100 years’ mystery of quantum mechanics". (3 November 2018, Hamamatsu, Japan). |
2018. 5.17 | Prof. Ohmori was invited by Prof. Henrik Stapelfeldt and Prof. Thomas Pohl to give a talk at CQOM Colloquium (website) of Aarhus University on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas".(abstract of the talk) (17 May 2018, Aarhus, Denmark). |
2018. 4.10 | Prof. Ohmori has been awarded the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan for his "development of coherent control with attosecond precision and its applications". (website) |
2018. 3.17 | Prof. Ohmori was invited by Prof. Immanuel Bloch to give a talk at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly correlated ultracold Rydberg gas".(abstract of the talk) (16 March 2018, Garching, Germany). |
2018. 3.9 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give talk at Joint Quantum Institute (website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas".(abstract of the talk)(8 March 2018, Maryland, USA) |
2018. 2.21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited by Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimori to give a talk at Tokyo Institute of Technology (website) on "World's fastest quantum simulator operating at the atomic level". (20 February 2018, Tokyo, Japan). |
2018. 1. 22 | We have celebrated "Hiroshi Takuma Memorial Prize" awarded to Prof. Ohmori.
2017. 11. 21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at University of Oxford (website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (abstract of the talk) (20 November 2017, Oxford, UK). |
2017. 10. 24 | Prof. Ohmori has been awarded "Hiroshi Takuma Memorial Prize" by Matsuo Foundation for his "development of coherent control with attosecond precision and its applications". Hiroshi Takuma Memorial Prize is awarded annually to one recipient who has made outstanding achievements in the fields of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics and Quantum Electronics. |
2017. 10. 11 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to a meeting with the Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and explained to the Minister about "The International Trends of Quantum Science and Technology and its perspective in Japan" (1 October 2017, Kyoto, Japan). |
2017. 10. 6 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (abstract of the talk) (5 October 2017, Erlangen, Germany). |
2017. 9. 13 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA ; website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (abstract of the talk) (12 September 2017, Cambridge, USA). |
2017. 8. 22 | Prof. Ohmori has been elected Vice Chairman of "2019 Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter (website) " (Chairman of the 2021 conference). |
2017. 8. 9 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Gordon Research Conference on "Quantum Control of Light and Matter" (6-11 August 2017, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, USA) (website) |
2017. 7. 13 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a lecture at Central Technical Research Laboratory, JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation on "Future society created by quantum science and technology" (12 July 2017, Yokohama, Japan)(website) |
2017. 5. 31 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Institut d'Optique (website) on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (26 May 2017, Palaiseau, France) |
2017. 5. 31 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Les Houches / Telluride Workshop on "Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Functional Molecular Materials and Biological Photosystems" on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (21-26 May 2017, Les Houches, France) (website) |
2017. 5. 9 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at IQOQI (website), Universität Innsbruck on "Ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas" (abstract of the talk) (5 May 2017, Innsbruck, Austria) |
2016. 12. 28 | We have succeeded in generating a unit-filling Mott insulator of Rb atoms. Check the details here. |
2016. 12. 16 | Our recent paper "Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas" (Nature Communications 7, 13449 (2016).) has been highlighted by many media including Science and IOP Physics World. Highlighted by Science (website) Highlighted by IOP Physics World (website) News coverage summary by Altmeric (website) News by Phys.Org (website) News by TheRegister (website) News by FUTURA SCIENCES (website) |
2016. 11. 16 | Our two new papers have been published in Nature Communications and Phys. Rev. A. "Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas" Nobuyuki Takei, Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo, Haruka Goto, Kuniaki Koyasu, Hisashi Chiba, Matthias Weidemüller, and Kenji Ohmori Nature Communications 7, 13449 (2016). Highlighted by Science (website) Highlighted by IOP Physics World (website) News coverage summary by Altmeric (website) "Time-domain Ramsey interferometry with interacting Rydberg atoms" Christian Sommer, Guido Pupillo, Nobuyuki Takei, Shuntaro Takeda, Akira Tanaka, Kenji Ohmori, and Claudiu Genes Phys. Rev. A. 94, 053607 (2016). |
2016. 10. 7-12 | Prof. Ana Maria Rey from JILA, NIST and University of Colorado stayed in our group and gave a talk at the 892nd IMS colloquium (website). |
2016. 9. 12-18 | Dr. Alexander Glaetzle from University of Innsbruck stayed in our group and we had the team meeting on the JSPS project with him.
2016. 7. 25 | We succeeded in observation of a quantum phase transition from superfluid to Mott insulator in a 3D optical lattice. Check the details here. |
2016. 4. 13 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "International Symposium on Advanced Photonics" (2016/4/12-14, Hamamatsu, Japan) (website) |
2016. 3. 3 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "OIST Mini Symposium: Rydberg Atoms for Quantum Technologies" (2016/3/3-5, Okinawa, Japan) (website) |
2016. 1. 19 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a lecture at Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. on "Exploring 100 years' mystery in quantum mechanics" (2016/1/19, Hatoyama, Saitama, Japan) |
2015. 12. 17 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Perspectives in Nano Information Processing: an international conference and workshop" (2015/12/14-16, Cambridge, UK) (website) |
2015. 9. 24 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "The 12th US-Japan Seminar on many body quantum systems" (2015/9/20-24, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) (website) |
2015. 7. 17 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at " The Hamburg Conference of Femtochemistry "(2015/7/12-17, Hamburg, Germany)(website) |
2015. 6. 19 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Gordon Research Conferences; Atomic Physics -From Ultracold to Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems-" (2015/6/14-19, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, USA) (website) |
2015. 6. 15 | Dr. Sommer, Christian was invited to give a talk at "Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy in Condensed-Phase Materials and Bio-Systems" (2015/6/8-12, Telluride Elementary School, Telluride, CO, USA) (website) |
2015. 6. 8 | We succeeded in generating a Bose-Einstein condensate of Rb atoms by all-optical means. Check the details. Check the details here. |
2014.12. 25 | Prof. Ohmori has been invited to the International Advisory Board of Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (website) |
2014.12. 18 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Coherence and Control in the Quantum World: Current and Future Trends" (2014/12/15-18, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) (website) |
2014. 9. 29 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Fujihara Seminar: Real-time Dynamics of Physical Phenomena and Manipulation by External Fields" (2014/9/23-27, Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan) (website) |
2014. 9. 18 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Ultracold Rydberg Physics Workshop" (2014/9/10-12, Granada, Spain) (website) |
2014. 8. 18 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at "Coherence and Control in the Quantum World: the Legacy of Moshe Shapiro" (2014/8/13-15, University of British Columbia, Canada) |
2014. 8. 8 | Our new paper has been published in Foundations of Physics. "Optically Engineered Quantum States in Ultrafast and Ultracold Systems," Volume 44, Issue 8 (2014), Page 813-818 Kenji Ohmori Found. Phys. 44, 813-818 (2014). |
2014. 7. 4 | Prof. Ohmori delivered a Visiting Professor Lecture at ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France.(2014/7/3)(website) |
2014. 6. 24 | Prof. Ohmori has been appointed to Visiting Professor at ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France.(website) |
2014. 4. 1 | Dr. Akira Tanaka and Dr. Shuntaro Takeda have joined us as Research Assistant Professors. |
2014. 4. 1 | A commentary that Prof. Ohmori was asked to write for APS has been published. "Quantum Superrotor," Kenji Ohmori Physics 7, 29 (2014). |
2014. 4. 1 | The account of our recent activities has been published in Foundation of Physics as an invited paper. "Optically Engineered Quantum States in Ultrafast and Ultracold Systems," Kenji Ohmori Foundation of Physics., DOI: 10.1007/s10701-014-9773-5 |
2014. 2. 14 | Our new paper has been published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. "Theoretical/numerical study on strong-laser-induced interference in the B state of I2," Y. Ohtsuki, H. Goto, H. Katsuki, and K. Ohmori Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 5689-5697 (2014). |
2014. 1. 21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Networks of Ultra-Cold Rydberg Atoms (2014/1/9-10, Keble College in Oxford, UK).(website) |
2014. 1. 21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at prestigious Physikalisches Kolloquium of University of Heidelberg (2014/1/17, Heidelberg, Germany). (website) |
2014. 1. 21 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at 11th Germany-Japan Science Colloquium (2014/1/16-17, Heidelberg, Germany). |
2013. 11. 18 | Our new paper has been published in Nature Communications. "All-Optical Control and Visualization of Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Atomic Motions in a Single Crystal of Bismuth," H. Katsuki, J. C. Delagnes, K. Hosaka, K. Ishikawa, H. Chiba, E. S. Zijlstra, M. E. Garcia, H. Takahashi, K. Watanabe, M. Kitajima, Y. Matsumoto, K. G. Nakamura, and K. Ohmori Nature Communications 4, 2801-1 - 2801-7 (2013). IMS Press Release (website) JST Press Release (website) |
2013. 11. 7 | A Peter Wall Colloquium Abroad and The 73rd Okazaki Conference on "Coherent and Incoherent Wave Packet Dynamics"was held. (2013/10/30-11/2, Okazaki Conference Center, Aichi, Japan). (website) |
2013. 10. 10 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Frontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX (2013/10/6-10, Orlando, Florida, USA). (website) |
2013. 8. 13 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control (CQIQC-V) (2013/8/12-16, Toronto, Canada). (website) |
2013. 7. 29 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Gordon Research Conferences; Quantum Control of Light & Matter (2013/7/28-8/2, Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA). (website) |
2013. 7. 10 | Our new paper was published in Phys. Rev. B. "Optically engineered quantum interference of delocalized wavefunctions in a bulk solid : The example of solid para-hydrogen," Hiroyuki Katsuki, Yosuke Kayanuma, and Kenji Ohmori Phys. Rev. B. 88, 014507-1- 014507-6 (2013). |
2013. 7. 9 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy in Condensed-Phase Materials and Bio-Systems (2013/7/8-12, Telluride Intermediate School, CO, USA). (website) |
2013. 7. 3 | Assist. Prof. Takei was invited to give a talk at Japan-Korea Symposium for Molecular Science: Hierarchical Structure from Quantum to Functions of Biological Systems (2013/7/3-5, Kobe, Japan). |
2013. 6. 30 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at CLEO-PR&OECC/PS 2013 workshop (2013/6/30, Kyoto, Japan). (website) |
2013. 6. 13 | Our new paper was published in Molecular Physics. "Wavepacket interferometry for nuclear densities and flux densities," Timm Bredtmann, Hiroyuki Katsuki, Jörn Manz, Kenji Ohmori, and Christian Stemmle Molecular Physics, 111, 1691-1696 (2013). (invited paper) |
2013. 5. 23 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Strasbourg Physique Seminaires (Université Strasbourg, France). |
2013. 5. 20 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Atomic and Laser Physics seminar (Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK). |
2013. 5. 13-27 | Prof. Ohmori stayed in Prof. Matthias Weidemüller group at Universität Heidelberg, Germany as a visiting professor. |
2013. 4. 11 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at The 11th US-Japan Joint Seminar on Quantum Electronics and Laser Spectroscopy "Ultimate Quantum Systems of Light and Matter-Control and Applications" (Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan). (website) |
2013. 2. 13 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at 3rd IMS-ENSCP Joint Seminar (2013/2/12-13, Okazaki). (Assist. Prof. Nobuyuki Takei has given a talk as a substitute for Prof. Ohmori.) |
2013. 2. 5 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at KITP Program “Fundamental Science and Applications of Ultra-cold Polar Molecules” (KITP UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA). |
2013. 1. 9 | Assist. Prof. Takei was invited to give a talk at The 72nd Okazaki Conference on “Ultimate Control of Coherence” (Okazaki Conference Center, Okazaki, Japan). |
2012. 12. 3 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Physics Colloquium (University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany). |
2012. 11. 25 | Assist. Prof. Takei was invited to give a talk at International Workshop on Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Walks (Okazaki Conference Center, Okazaki, Japan). |
2012. 11. 22 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at ESF Research Conference in Partnership with LFUI on “Cold and Ultracold Molecules” (Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Austria). |
2012. 10. 31 | Assist. Prof. Takei was invited to give a talk at International Workshop on Cooperative Quantum Dynamics and Its Control (CQDC’12) (Jülich Supercommputing Center, Jülich, Germany)). |
2012. 10. 26 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Workshop on “Molecular Functional Dynamics: Fundamental to Life Activity” (IMS, Okazaki, Japan). |
2012. 10. 16 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at International Workshop: "Horizons of Quantum Physics: from Foundations to Quantum-Enabled Technologies" (American Club Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan). |
2012. 9. 13-14 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at The ‘240’ Conference (The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA). |
2012. 9. 3 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on “Laser Control of Chemical Reactions: Toward Deciphering Mechanisms and Understanding the Theoretical and Experimental Limits” (Ruth-Rimmonim Hotel, Safed, Israel). |
2012. 7. 18 | Prof. Kenji Ohmori attended the Humboldt Research Award Ceremony in Berlin. (website) |
2012. 6. 19 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at Special Seminar on “Theoretical Chemistry”(Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, Germany). |
2012. 6. 16 | Assist. Prof. Hiroyuki Katsuki was promoted to Associate Professor of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. |
2012. 5. 17 | Prof. Kenji Ohmori honored with Humboldt Research Award. (website) |
2012. 5. 4 | Prof. Ohmori was invited to give a talk at International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism: ICSM 2012 ( Artemis Marin Princess Hotel, Kumburgaz-Istanbul, Turkey). |
2011. 10. 26 | Our paper (“Strong-Laser-Induced Quantum Interference”, Nature Physics 7, 383–385 (2011)) was highlighted by “Research Highlights” in Nature Photonics. (website) |
2011. 9. 1 | Assistant Prof. H. Katsuki was awarded from Morino Foundation for Molecular Science. |
2011. 8. 19 | Our new paper was accepted in Faraday Discuss. "Optical manipulation of coherent phonons in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films" Yasuaki Okano, Hiroyuki Katsuki, Yoshihiro Nakagawa, Hiroshi Takahashi, Kazutaka G. Nakamura and Kenji Ohmori Faraday Discuss., 153, 375–382 (2011).(invited paper) |
2011. 4. 25 | Our promotion video was up on YouTube. (website) |
2011. 4. 12 | Assistant Prof. H. Katsuki received the Young Scientist's Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. (2011) |
2011. 4. 11 | Our new paper was published in Nature Physics. (Press Release) “Strong-Laser-Induced Quantum Interference” Haruka Goto, Hiroyuki Katsuki, Heide Ibrahim, Hisashi Chiba, and Kenji Ohmori Nature Physics, 7, 383–385(2011). |
Highlighted by “News and Views” in Nature Physics. Nature Physics 7, 373–374 (2011). |
2011. 4. 1 | Our website was renewed. |