Postdoctoral Fellow Vineet Bharti
Department of Photo-Molecular Science,
Institute for Molecular Science (IMS),
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
38 Nishigo-Naka, Myodaiji,
Okazaki 444-8585, Japan
TEL +81-564-55-7368
FAX +81-564-54-2254
Oct 2018 - Today | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Photo-Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science |
Feb 2018-June 2018 | Research Fellow, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore. |
Mar 2015-Feb 2018 | DS Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellow, Physics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. |
Feb 2014-Feb 2015 | Research Associate, Physics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. |
Dec 2009-Dec 2013 | Ph.D. in Atomic and Optical Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. |
July 2007-June 2009 | Master of Science (Physics), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India. |
July 2004-June 2007 | Bachelor of Science, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India. |
- "Ultrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg-excited atomic Mott
V. Bharti, S. Sugawa, M.Mizoguchi, M. Kunimi, Y.Zhang, S. de L s leuc, T.Tomita, T. Franz, M.Weidemüller, K. Ohmori
arXiv:2201.09590 (2022). - "Ultrafast creation of overlapping Rydberg electrons in an atomic BEC and Mott-insulator lattice," M. Mizoguchi, Y. Zhang, M. Kunimi, A. Tanaka, S. Takeda, N. Takei, V. Bharti, K. Koyasu, T. Kishimoto, D. Jaksch, A. Glaetzle, M. Kiffner, G. Masella, G. Pupillo, M. Weidemüller, and K. Ohmori, Physical Review Letters 124, 253201 (2020).
- "Study of EIT resonances in an anti-relaxation coated Rb vapor cell," Mangesh Bhattarai, Vineet Bharti, Vasant Natarajan, Armen Sargsyan and David Sarkisyan, Physics Letters A 383, 91 (2019).
- "Observation of CPT for the ground hyperfine interval in 133Cs," Sumanta Khan, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Science and Culture (ISNA) 84, 344 (2018).
- “Tuning of the Hanle effect from EIT to EIA using spatially separated probe and control beams,” Mangesh Bhattarai, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Scientific Reports 8, 7525 (2018).
- “Study of CPO resonances on the intercombination line in 173Yb,” Pushpander Kumar, Alok K. Singh, Vineet Bharti, Vasant Natarajan and Kanhaiya Pandey, Journal of Physics B 51, 035502 (2018).
- “Coherent population pumping in a bright state,” Sumanta Khan, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Science and Culture (ISNA) 84, 194 (2018).
- “Sub- and super-luminal light propagation using a Rydberg state,” Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Optics Communications 392, 180 (2017).
- “Polarization dependent tuning of the Hanle effect in the ground state of Cs,” Harish Ravi, Mangesh Bhattarai, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Europhysics Letters, 117, 63002 (2017).
- “Coherent population trapping (CPT) versus electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT),” Sumanta Khan, M. P. Kumar, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, European Physical Journal D, 71, 38 (2017).
- “Optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened multilevel V-system in the weak and strong probe regimes,” Paramjit Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Indian Journal of Physics, 91, 1115 (2017).
- “Wavelength mismatch effect in electromagnetically induced absorption,” Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Physics Letters A 380, 2390 (2016).
- “Role of dressed-state interference in electromagnetically induced transparency,” Sumanta Khan, Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Physics Letters A 380, 4100 (2016).
- “Study of a four-level system in vee+ladder configuration,” Vineet Bharti and Vasant Natarajan, Optics Communications 356, 510 (2015).
- “Complete wavelength mismatching effect in a six-level Doppler broadened Y-type EIT atomic medium,” Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Optics Communications 324, 238 (2014).
- “Polarization-rotation resonances with sub-natural widths using a control laser,” Sapam Ranjita Chanu, Kanhaiya Pandey, Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Europhysics Letters 106, 43001 (2014).
- “Optical properties of an inhomogenously broadened ΛV system with multiple excited states,” Paramjit Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Journal of Modern Optics 61, 1339 (2014).
- “Influence of multiple excited states on optical properties of N-type Doppler broadened system for D2 line of alkali atoms,” Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Journal of Physics B 46, 125501 (2013).
- “Electromagnetic induced transparency in the Doppler broadened cascade transition with multiple excited states,” Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Journal of Physics B 45, 185501 (2012).