旧石崎グループ 論文・発表一覧
- Yuta Fujihashi and Akihito Ishizaki
Fluctuations in electronic energy affecting singlet fission dynamics and mixing with charge-transfer state: Quantum dynamics study
Journal of the Physical Chemistry Letters 7, 363-369 (2016)
- 石崎 章仁
新著紹介, K. A. Dill and S. Bromberg, Molecular Driving Forces; Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Nanoscience, Second Edition (Garland Science, London and New York, 2011)
日本物理学会誌 70(12), 946 (2015)
- Yuta Fujihashi, Graham R. Fleming, and Akihito Ishizaki
Influences of quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational pigment states in 2D electronic spectra of photosynthetic systems: Strong electronic coupling cases
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 63, 49-56 (8 pages) (2015)
- Daniele M. Monahan, Lukas Whaley-Mayda, Akihito Ishizaki, and Graham R. Fleming
Influence of weak vibrational-electronic couplings on 2D electronic spectra and inter-site coherence in weakly coupled photosynthetic complexes
Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 065101 (2015)
- Yuta Fujihashi, Graham R. Fleming and Akihito Ishizaki
Impact of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational pigment states in photosynthetic energy transfer and 2D electronic spectra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 212403 (2015)
- Daniele M. Monahan, Lukas V. Whaley-Mayda, Akihito Ishizaki, Graham R. Fleming
Interpreting Oscillations in Numerically Exact Simulations of 2D Electronic Spectra
Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, 553-556 (2015)
- Shabani A., Mohseni M., Jang S., Ishizaki A., Plenio M.B., Rebentrost P., Aspuru-Guzik A., Cao J., Lloyd S., and Silbey R. J.
Open quantum system approach to biological systems
【Book Chapter】"Quantum Effects in Biology", Cambridge University Press (2014)
- Ishizaki A.
Interactions between quantum mixing and the environmental dynamics controlling ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer and its temperature dependence
Chemistry Letters 42, 1406-1408 (2013)
- Banchi L., Costagliola G., Ishizaki A. and Giorda P.
An analytical continuation approach for evaluating emission lineshapes of molecular aggregates and the adequacy of multichromophoric Förster theory
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 184107.1-14 (2013)
Selected for JCP Editors' Choice for 2013
- 石﨑章仁
レーザー研究 41, 391-397 (2013)
- Yuta Fujihashi and Akihito Ishizaki