2018年 論文・発表一覧
- G. Kawaguchi, A. A. Bardin, M. Suda, M. Uruichi and H. M. Yamamoto
An Ambipolar Superconducting Field‐Effect Transistor Operating above Liquid Helium Temperature
Advanced Materials 31, 1805715,doi:10.1002/adma.201805715 (2018)
- 秋山 修志,古池 美彦,向山 厚
時間生物学 24, 92-99 (2018)
- Furukawa Y, Lim C, Tosha T, Yoshida K, Hagai T, Akiyama S, Watanabe S, Nakagome K, Shiro Y
Identification of a novel zinc-binding protein, C1orf123, as an interactor with a heavy metal-associated domain
PLoS One 13, e0204355; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204355 (2018)
- Akiyama S
Slowness and temperature compensation both transferred from intra- to inter-molecular scales in cyanobacterial circadian clock
The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Kyoto, Japan, 2018/9/24
- 秋山 修志
第58回生物物理若手の会 夏の学校,ぎふ長良川温泉ホテルパーク, 2018/8/29
- 秋山 修志
蛋白研セミナー / SPring-8 先端利用技術ワークショップ,大阪大学, 2018/8/9
- 秋山 修志
生物物理 58, 181 (2018)
- Akiyama S
trans-Hierarchical Nature of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock System
SRBR 2018, Sapporo, Japan ,2018/7/14
- Akiyama S
trans-Hierarchical Nature of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock System
Frontier Bioorganization Forum 2018, Okazaki, Japan, 2018/7/8
- 秋山 修志
CyanoClock 1.0,名古屋大学, 2018/6/29
- Y. Kawakami, T. Amano, Y. Yoneyama, Y. Akamine, H. Itoh, G. Kawaguchi, H. M. Yamamoto, H. Kishida, K. Itoh, T. Sasaki, S. Ishihara, Y. Tanaka, K. Yonemitsu & S. Iwai
Nonlinear charge oscillation driven by a single-cycle light field in an organic superconductor
Nature Photonics (2018)
- Mukaiyama A, Furuike Y, Abe J, Yamashita E, Kondo T, Akiyama S
Conformational rearrangements of the C1 ring in KaiC measure the timing of assembly with KaiB
Scientific Reports 8, 8803 (2018)
- Akiyama S
Slow and Temperature-compensated ATP Hydrolysis Reaction Catalyzedby Circadian Clock Protein KaiC
The 3rd Solar FuelMaterial Workshop, Osaka, Japan, 2018/3/13
- T. Chooppawa, M. Suda, M. Uruichi, M. Kunaseth, S. Namuangruk, P. Rashatasakhon, H. M. Yamamoto,
Development of highly soluble perylenetetracarboxylic diimide derivative for n-type monolayer field-effect-transistor
Molecular crystals and liquid crystals 669, 94-105; doi.org/10.1080/15421406.2018.1553760 (2018).
- 秋山 修志
講演会,京都大学, 2018/2/6
- H. Oike, M. Suda, M. Kamitani, A. Ueda, H. Mori, Y. Tokura, H. M. Yamamoto, and F. Kagawa,
Size effects on supercooling phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems: IrTe2 and θ−(BEDT−TTF)2RbZn(SCN)4
Physical Review B, 97, 8, 085102; doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.085102 (2018).
- H. M. Yamamoto, M. Suda and Y. Kawasugi
Organic Phase-Transition Transistor with Strongly Correlated Electrons
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 03EA02 (2018)
- G. Kawaguchi, A. A. Bardin, M. Suda, M. Uruichi and H. M. Yamamoto