2015年 論文・発表一覧
- 石崎章仁
東京大学物性研究所, 千葉県柏市, 2015/12/24
- Yutaka Shikano
On Lesson From Material Databases
Pacifichem 2015 symposium on "Machine Learning Meets First-Principles Simulation for Materials Discovery",Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A., 2015/12/15-20
- Ishizaki, A
Impacts of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mixtures in energy/charge transfer reactions and 2D electronic spectra
Pacifichem2015, Hawaii, U.S.A., 2015/12/15-20
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Switching of organic superconductivity by electric-field, strain, and light
Pacifichem2015, Hawaii, U.S.A., 2015/12/15-20
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Sheathed Nanowires Aligned by Crystallographic Periodicity
3CG, Hong Kong, China, 2015/12/14
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Field-/Light-induced Phase Transitions in organic FET interfaces
WPOO3-2015, Okazaki, Japan, 2015/12/10
- 石崎 章仁
新著紹介, K. A. Dill and S. Bromberg, Molecular Driving Forces; Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Nanoscience, Second Edition (Garland Science, London and New York, 2011)
日本物理学会誌 70(12), 946 (2015)
- J. Mannhart, and H. Hilgenkamp, and H. M. Yamamoto
Thee-terminal device
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, ed. by Saleem Hashmi(2015)
- Ishizaki, A
Impacts of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mixing in energy/charge transfer and 2D electronic spectra
CECAM Workshop 2015: Open Quantum Systems Computational Methods, University of Hong-Kong, 2015/11/30-12/4
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Switching of organic superconductivity by electric-field, strain, and light
AIMR seminar, Sendai, Japan, 2015/11/27
- 秋山修志
第6回神経科学と構造生物学の融合研究会, 岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 2015/11/26
- Akio Hosoya, Koji Maruyama, and Yutaka Shikano
Operational derivation of Boltzmann distribution with Maxwell's demon model
Scientific Reports 5, 17011 (9pages) (2015)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Phase-transition Transistors Based on Organic Materials
Molecular Designs for Advanced Materials: Workshop and
Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand , 2015/11/24-27 - 石崎章仁
立命館大学理工学部, 草津市, 2015/11/20
- 秋山修志
藍藻の分子生物学2015, かずさアカデミアホール, 2015/11/17
- E. Kayahara, R. Qu, M. Kojima, T. Iwamoto, T. Suzuki, S. Yamago
Ligand-Controlled Synthesis of [3]- and [4]Cyclo- 9,9-dimethyl-2,7-fluorenes through Triangle- and Square-Shaped Platinum Intermediates
Chemistry - A European Journal 21, 18939-18943 (2015).
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Photo-Induced Superconductivity Observed at Organic Field-Effect-Transistor Interface
ISS2015, Tokyo, Japan ,2015/11/17
- 石崎章仁
第9回物性科学領域横断研究会ー凝縮系科学の最前線、東京大学, 文京区, 2015/11/14
- 向山厚 , 阿部淳 , 孫世永 , 秋山修志
実験医学 33, 3119-3122 (2015)
- Kentaro Soma, Stan Konings, Genki Kobayashi and Seiji Takeda
B12-O-05 Towards Dynamics Electron Holographic Analysis of Solid State Electrochemical Devices at Operating Condition
Microscopy 64, i21 (2015)
- 山本浩史
- Yutaka Shikano
Visualizing a quantum state
17th SPVM National Physics Conference,Cavite State University, Philippines, 2015/10/22-24
- 山本浩史
応物教室談話会, 名古屋大学, 愛知, 2015/10
- Akiyama S
KaiC as Circadian Pacemaker of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock
Grand Design of Molecular Systems, 分子科学研究所, 2015/10/8
- Yu-Ru Lin, Nobuyasu Koga, Rie Tatsumi-Koga, Gaohua Liu, Amanda F. Clouser, Gaetano T. Montelione, David Baker
Control over overall shape and size in de novo designed proteins
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(40), E5478-5485 (2015)
- Nobuyasu Koga
Design of ideal protein structures
The 15th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Seoul Korea), 2015/9/18
- 鹿野 豊
2015年度日本数学会秋季総合分科会「量子ウォークと関連する話題」(応用数学分科会スペシャルセッション), 京都産業大学, 2015/9/15
- Kazutaka G. Nakamura, Yutaka Shikano, and Yosuke Kayanuma
Influence of pulse width and detuning on coherent phonon generation
Physical Review B 92, 144304 (7pages) (2015)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Field-, Strain-, and Light-induced Superconductivity in Organic FETs
Seminar in Max Plank Institute Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015/9
- Yuta Fujihashi, Graham R. Fleming, and Akihito Ishizaki
Influences of quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational pigment states in 2D electronic spectra of photosynthetic systems: Strong electronic coupling cases
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 63, 49-56 (8 pages) (2015)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Phase-Transition Transistors with Strongly-Correlated Electrons
ISCOM2015, Munich, Germany, 2015/9/6-11
- 鹿野 豊
東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究「量子測定の物理と情報通信」第1回研究会 東北大学電気通信研究所 , 2015/9
- 須田理行,山本浩史
自動車技術 69(9), 114-115 (2015)
- 秋山修志
生物時計システムに見られる階層性 ~ 原子から細胞スケールまでを貫くロジック ~
2015年度第1回バイオ単分子研究会, 新世代研究所, 2015/8/26
- Yusuf Turek, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Tomotada Akutsu, Chang-Pu Sun, and Yutaka Shikano
Post-selected von Neumann measurement with Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian pointer states
New Journal of Physics 17, 083029 (17pages) (2015)
- Yusuf Turek, Wulayimu Maimaiti, Yutaka Shikano, Chang-Pu Sun, and Mohammad Al-Amri
Advantages of nonclassical pointer states in postselected weak measurements
Physical Review A 92, 022109 (8pages) (2015)
- Daniele M. Monahan, Lukas Whaley-Mayda, Akihito Ishizaki, and Graham R. Fleming
Influence of weak vibrational-electronic couplings on 2D electronic spectra and inter-site coherence in weakly coupled photosynthetic complexes
Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 065101 (2015)
- Ishizaki, A
Influences of quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational pigment states in photosynthetic energy transfer and 2D electronic spectra
The 1st Mueunjae Symposium on "Chemistry & Light",
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang , Korea, 20115/8/7-8 - S. Tsusima, W. Hung, P. Deevanhxay, G. Kobayashi, R. Kanno, S. Hirai
In situ X-ray visualization of lithiation process in porous graphite electrode in an operating Li-ion cell
ChemElectroChem 2, 1535-1540 (2015)
- Akiyama S
KaiC as Circadian Pacemaker of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock
European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS)/World Congress of Chronobiology
(WCC) meeting, Manchester, UK ,2015/8/6 - 山本浩史
第60回物性夏の学校, 岐阜, 2015/7/30
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Thin-Film Single Crystals for Organic Superconducting Transistor
ICCOSS2015, Niigata, Japan, 2015/7/16
- 石崎章仁
日本学術振興会181委員会研究会「生命革新機能と分子複合技術−生物の驚異的機能は人工的にできるのか?」,大阪大学, 豊中市, 2015-7/7-8
- 鹿野 豊
科学における確率 統計数理研究所, 2015/7/6
- Abe J, Hiyama T B, Mukaiyama A, Son S, Mori T, Saito S, Osako M, Wolanin J,
Yamashita E, Kondo T, and Akiyama S
Atomic-scale Origins of Slowness in the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock
Science 349, 312-316 (2015)
- Nobuyasu Koga
第15回日本蛋白質科学会年会, ワークショップ:天然モノと人工モノ、両面から迫る最新のタンパク質構造観, あわぎんホール, 徳島市, 2015/6/26
- Nobuyasu Koga
第364回CBI学会講演会, 東京工業大学 キャンパス・イノベーションセンター , 横浜市, 2015/6/22
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Field-induced superconductivity in an organic FET
EM-NANO2015, Niigata, Japan, 2015/6/17
- Yutaka Shikano
Toward Quantum Phononics - As an example of coherent phonon in diamond -
The 3rd Awaji International Workshop on Electron Spin Science & Technology: Biological and Materials Science Oriented Applications (AWEST 2015) Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Japan, 2015/6/14-17
- Genki Kobayashi
Hydride Conduction in oxyhydride
20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Keystone, U.S.A. ,2015/6/14-19 - Ishizaki, A
Impacts of Environmentally Induced Fluctuations on Quantum Mixing in Energy/Charge Transfer Reactions and 2D Electronic Spectra
The 15th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC) Satellite Meeting "Recent Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Complex Systems,"
Peking University ,China, 2015/6/4 - Z. Qiu, M. Uruichi, D. Hou, K. Uchida, H. M. Yamamoto and E.Saitoh
Spin-current injection and detection in κ -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br
AIP Advances 5, 057167 (2015)
- Yutaka Shikano
Introduction to Discrete-Time Quantum Walk
Symposium on Computing Science Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), Philippines ,2015/5
- Yutaka Shikano
Deformed Statistical Mechanics
Tropical School and Workshop on Analytic and Computational Methods for Complex Systems: The Case of Polymer Conformations Research Center for Theoretical Physics, Central Visayan Institute Foundation, Philippines , 2015/5/11-15
- Yutaka Shikano
Statistical analysis on Complex systems (Lectures)
Tropical School and Workshop on Analytic and Computational Methods for Complex Systems: The Case of Polymer Conformations Research Center for Theoretical Physics, Central Visayan Institute Foundation, Philippines, 2015/5/11-15
- Yuta Fujihashi, Graham R. Fleming and Akihito Ishizaki
Impact of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational pigment states in photosynthetic energy transfer and 2D electronic spectra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 212403 (2015)
- 山本 浩史
分子システム研究会, 熱海, 2015/5
- Ishizaki, A.
Impacts of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mechanical mixtures in energy/charge transfers and 2D electronic spectra
The 3rd Workshop on Coherent Energy Transport and Optimization in Photosynthesis, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore, 2015/5/1-3
- Ishizaki, A.
Impacts of environmentally induced fluctuations on quantum mechanical mixtures in energy/charge transfers and 2D electronic spectra
Schlau-Cohen Group, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA ,U.S.A., 2015/4/13
- Giuseppe Di Molfetta, Lauchlan Honter, Ben B. Luo, Tatsuaki Wada, and Yutaka Shikano
Massless Dirac Equation from Fibonacci Discrete-Time Quantum Walk
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 2, 243 - 252 (10pages) (2015)
Erratum to: Massless Dirac Equation from Fibonacci Discrete-Time Quantum Walk Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 2, 253 - 254 (2pages) (2015)
- 秋山 修志
第3回Neutrons in Biology研究会, 日本原子力研究開発機構・原子力科学研究所, 2015/3/31
- Mukaiyama A, Osako M, Hikima T, Kondo T, and Akiyama S
A protocol for preparing nucleotide-free KaiC monomer
BIOPHYSICS 11, 79-84 (2015)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
日本物理学会、早稲田大学、東京, 2015/3/22
- 鹿野 豊
第70回日本物理学会年次大会「スピン分光法の最近の現状と展望」(領域3,領域7,領域5), 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス, 2015/3/21-24
- 鹿野 豊
明治大学中野キャンパス, 2015/3/8 - Ishizaki, A.
Impact of Environmentally Induced Fluctuations on Quantum Mechanically Mixed Electronic and Vibrational States in Photosynthetic Energy Transfer and 2D Electronic Spectra
Asian Academic Seminar 2015, Kolkata, India, 2015/3/7
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Light-induced superconductivity using photo-active electric double layer
Asian Academic Seminar 2015, Kolkata, India, 2015/3/7
- 鹿野 豊
Visualizing Quantum Nature
Symposium on Quantum Fields in Dynamical Nature, on the occasion of Professor Izumi Ojima's retirement
京都大学北部キャンパス, 北部総合教育研究棟内益川ホール, 2015/3/5-6 - Daniele M. Monahan, Lukas V. Whaley-Mayda, Akihito Ishizaki, Graham R. Fleming
Interpreting Oscillations in Numerically Exact Simulations of 2D Electronic Spectra
Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, 553-556 (2015)
- F. Anger, H. Glowatzki, A. Franco-Cañellas, C. Bürker, A. Gerlach, R. Scholz, Y. Sakamoto, T. Suzuki, N. Koch, F. Schreiber
Interface Dipole and Growth Mode of Partially and Fully Fluorinated Rubrene on Au(111) and Ag(111)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 6769-6776 (2015)
- Masayuki Suda, Reizo Kato, and Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Light-induced superconductivity using a photo-active electric double layer
Science 347, 743-746 (2015)
- Yutaka Shikano
These from Bits
in It From Bit or Bit From It?, Chapter 10, 113-118 (Springer, Switzerland, 2015)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
九州大学OPERAセミナー, 福岡 , 2015/2/3
- Ishizaki, A.
The Primary Steps of Photosynthesis Explored with Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopic Experiments and Quantum Dynamics Theories
名古屋大学リトリート分子科学研究所研修「分子科学の新世界:理論と実験のハーモニー」/ "New Research Frontier of Molecular Science; Harmonic Cooperation between Theory and Experiment", Okazaki , Japan, 2015/1/24
- Ishizaki, A.
Quantum Dynamical Aspects in Photosynthetic Energy Transfer
The Second China-Japan-Korea tripartite Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CJK-WTCC-II), Kobe , Japan, 2015/1/23
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Field-Effect-Transistors with Light-Tunable Superconducting Channel
PACCON2015, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015/1/21-23
- 鹿野 豊
Small-workshop on Communications between Academia and Industry for Security (SCAIS),九州大学西新プラザ , 2015/1/19
- 山本浩史,須田理行
パリティ 30, 23-25 (2015)
- Nobuyasu Koga
Protein design from scratch, Designing protein molecules from scratch
The Winter School of Sokendai/Asia CORE Program "Research and Its Challenges in Molecular Science: Fundamentals and State-of the-Art", 岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 2015/1/16
- Ryo Sakuma, Hashimoto Hideki, Genki Kobayashi, Tatsuo Fujii, Makoto Nakanishi, Ryoji Kanno, Mikio Takano, Jyun Takada
High-rate performance of a bacterial iron-oxide electrode for lithium-ion battery
Materials Letters 139, 414-417 (2015)
- Nobuyasu Koga
定量生物の会 第7回年会, 九州大学, 福岡市, 2015/1/11
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
東北大学理学部物理学科コロキウム, 仙台, 2015/1
- 石崎章仁