2014年 論文・発表一覧
- 鹿野 豊
第6回暗号及び情報セキュリティと数学の相関ワークショップ(CRISMATH 2014),
産業技術総合研究所臨海副都心センター, 2014/12/26 - 鹿野 豊
マイクロイオントラップ講演会, 大阪大学基礎工学部国際棟, 2014/12/25
- 秋山 修志
分子システム研究における溶液散乱, 分子科学研究所, 2014/12/20
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
理工談話会, 名城大学, 愛知. 2014/12
- Yutaka Shikano
Weak measurement with higher-order Gaussian modes
Deep dive into the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman amplification effect,Chapman University, Orange, CA, U.S.A., 2014/12
- Yutaka Shikano
Discrete-time quantum walk and Quantum dynamical simulation
Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2014/12/5
- Genki Kobayashi, Yuichi Sato
Solid electrolytes, basic and evaluation method of all solid-state secondary batteries
Electrochemistry 82, 1108-1113 (2014)
- 秋山修志
国研セミナー, 分子科学研究所, 2014/11/28
- Ishizaki, A.
Impacts of Protein-induced Fluctuations upon Quantum Mechanically MixedVibrational States in Photosynthetic Energy Transfe
日本学術振興会二国間交流事業『日印セミナー』, 奈良, 2014/11/25-27
- Nobuyasu Koga
Synthetic Study to Uncover Hierarchical Ordering of Biological Systems
第37回日本分子生物学会 年会, パシフィコ横浜, 横浜, 2014/11/25
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
分子科学フォーラム, 岡崎コンファレンスセンター, 愛知, 2014/11/21
- 鹿野 豊
Introduction to Weak Value and Weak Measurement from Historical Viewpoint
学融合研究Kick Off Meeting "新たな量子物理量の基礎の探求と精密測定への応用",
東北大学東京分室, 2014/11 - 鹿野 豊
Seeking the SIC POVM
3rd Yokohama Quantum Walk Workshop , 横浜国立大学, 2014/11
- 鹿野 豊
第31回量子情報技術研究会(QIT31), 東北大学片平キャンパス, 2014/11/17
- 鹿野 豊
Nagahama Workshop "From Quantum to Life", 長浜バイオ大学, 2014/11/14-16
- Ishizaki, A.
Non-Markovian quantum dynamical aspects in photosynthetic energy transfer
The XIXth International Workshop on Quantum Systems, in Chemistry, Physics and Biology (QSCP XIX), Taipei , Taiwan, 2014/11/11-17
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニス分科会 講習会, 産業技術総合研究所, 東京, 2014/11
- Shuji Akiyama
Watching slow but ordered dynamics of clock proteins
第21回日本時間生物学会学術大会, 九州大学, 2014/11/8
- 小林 玄器
第12回水素量子アトミクス研究会, 東北大学金属材料研究所, 2014/10/23-24
- 鹿野 豊
Massless Dirac Equation from Fibonacci Quantum Walk
RIMS研究集会「量子場数理とその周辺」, 京都大学数理解析研究所, 2014/10/8
- Ishizaki, A.
Quantum Dynamic Aspects in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting - Old Roots, New Shoots
International Symposium on Optobiotechnology, OptBioTechnology Research Center, Nagoya Institutes of Technology, Nagoya , Japan, 2014/10/4
- 秋山 修志
平成26年度第1回生物構造学研究会, エッサム神田ホール, 2014/10/3
- 古賀信康, 古賀(巽)理恵
生体の科学『生命動態システム科学』65(5), 512-513, 2014年10月
- Nobuyasu Koga
Toward design of molecular motors
シンポジウム「分子機械デザイン」, 第52回日本生物物理学会年会, 札幌コンベンションセンター, 札幌, 2014/9/27
- Yutaka Shikano
Optomechanics of Quantum Rotor
Quantum Technologies Based On Hybrid Emitter - Solid State Systems
University of Strasbourg, France , 2014/9 - 鹿野 豊
量子系の数理と物質制御への展開:量子ウォークを架け橋に, 東北大学情報科学研究科, 2014/9/18
- Genki Kobayashi
Hydrode Conduction in Oxyhydrides
Solid State Protonic Conductor-17 , Korea Institute of Science Technology, Korea, 2014/9/14-19
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
A Possibility of Cross-Bar Wiring in Three-Dimensional Crystallographic Space
SSDM2014, Tsukuba, Japan, 2014/9
- Shabani A., Mohseni M., Jang S., Ishizaki A., Plenio M.B., Rebentrost P., Aspuru-Guzik A., Cao J., Lloyd S., and Silbey R. J.
Open quantum system approach to biological systems
【Book Chapter】"Quantum Effects in Biology", Cambridge University Press (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Field-Effect-Transistors with Light-Tunable Superconducting Channel
IMRC2014, Cancun, Mexico, 2014/8
- 鹿野 豊
波動関数を可視化する方法 ~光を用いた実験を例として~
プラズマ科学のフロンティア2014, 核融合科学研究所, 2014/8/7
- 小林 玄器
化学電池材料研究会 第34回講演会, 三重, 2014/8/4
- 山本浩史
パリティ 29, 46-50 (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
高分子学会 有機エレクトロニクス研究会, 東京, 2014/7/25
- J. Sugiyama, H. Nozaki, M. Harada, Y. Higuchi, J. Brewer, A. H. Jess, J. Eduardo, G. Kobayashi and R. Kanno
Variation of local magnetic enviroments in olivine-type compounds: Na0.7FePO4 and FePO4
Physical Review B 90, 014426/1-014426/10 (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
金属材料研究所研究会, 東北大学, 仙台, 2014/7/20
- Nobuyasu Koga
大阪大学産業科学研究所, 2014/7/11
- Yutaka Shikano
Discrete Time Quantum Walk Is Quantum Dynamical Simulator
2014 edition of the International Conference in Statistical Physics(Sigma Phi 2014),
Sheraton Rhodes Hotel, Greece, 2014/7/10 - Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Electronics with 'Nano' Crystals
Kasetsart University, Thailand, 2014/7
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Electronics with 'Nano' Crystals
Chulalongkorn University,Thailand, 2014/7
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Electronics with 'Nano' Crystals
Mahidol University,Thailand , 2014/7
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic field-effect-transistor with light-tunable superconducting channel
Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, 2014/7
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Organic Field-Effect-Transistor with Flexible Superconducting Channel
NIMS Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2014/7/3
- 古賀信康, 古賀(巽)理恵
化学フロンティア(23) 1分子ナノバイオ計測:分子から生命システムを探る革新的技術, 化学同人, 120-130, 2014年6月
- Akiyama S
KaiC as Circadian Pacemaker of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock
Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Montana, U.S.A., 2014/6/17
- Yutaka Shikano
Toward the Polariton Lasing
BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress and EXPO of Advanced Materials 2014, Chongqing Yuelai International Conference and EXPO Center,Chongqing, China, 2014/6/6-9
- Ishizaki, A.
Impact of environment-induced fluctuations on quantum mechanically mixed electronic and vibrational states of pigments in photosynthetic energy transfer
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 2014/6
- Ishizaki, A.
Energy transfer dynamics in photosynthetic light harvesting systems and their two-dimensional electronic spectra
2nd Sweden-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Spectroscopy: Light Capture and Conversion Processes in Biological and Artificial Systems, Lund University ,Sweden ,2014/5
Electronic and Vibrational Coherences in Photosynthetic Energy Transfer and 2D Electronic Spectra
CECAM workshop "investigating fine quantum effects in biological systems: toward a synergy between experimental and theoretical approaches?", Paris , France, 2014/5/28-30
- Cyprien Lemouchi, Hiroshi M. Yamamoto, Reizo Kato, Sergey Simonov, Leokadiya Zorina, Antonio Rodriguez-Fortea , Enric Canadell, Pawel Wzietek, Konstantinos Iliopoulos, Denis Gindre, Michael Chrysos, and Patrick Batail
Reversible Control of Crystalline Rotors by Squeezing Their Hydrogen Bond Cloud Across a Halogen Bond-Mediated Phase Transition
Crystal Growth & Design 14, 3375-3383, (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
応用物理学科談話会, 東京理科大学, 東京 , 2014/5
- Atsushi Noguchi, Yutaka Shikano, Kenji Toyoda, and Shinji Urabe
Aharonov-Bohm effect in the tunnelling of a quantum rotor in a linear Paul trap
Nature Communications 5, 3868 (2014)
- T. Iwamoto, E. Kayahara, N. Yasuda, T. Suzuki, S. Yamago
Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of [4]Cyclo-2,7-pyrenylene: Effects of Cyclic Structure on the Electronic Properties of Pyrene Oligomers
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 6430-6434 (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
物性談話会, 名古屋大学, 愛知, 2014/5/13
- Hirokazu Kobayashi, Koji Nonaka, and Yutaka Shikano
Stereographical visualization of a polarization state using weak measurements with an optical-vortex beam
Physical Review A 89, 053816 (2014)
- Hiroshi M. Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Kawasugi, Hengbo Cui, Masaki Nakano, Yoshihiro Iwasa, and Reizo Kato
Asymmetric Phase Transitions Observed at the Interface of a Field-Effect Transistor Based on an Organic Mott Insulator
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014, 3841-3844 (2014)
- C. Hansen, K. Kubota, G. Kobayashi, M. Hirayama, R. Kanno
High-pressure synthesis and electrochemical properties of lighium transition metal oxides with layered rock-salt structure
Journal of Power Sources 252, 1-7 (2014)
- Masayuki Suda, Yoshitaka Kawasugi, Takeo Minari, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi, Reizo Kato and Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Strain-Tunable Superconducting Field-Effect Transistor with an Organic Strongly-Correlated Electron System
Advanced Materials 26, 3490-3495 (2014)
- H. Hashimoto, G. Kobayashi, R. Sakuma, T. Fujii, N. Hayashi, T. Tomoko, R. Kanno, M. Takano, J. Takada
Bacterial nanometric amorphous Fe-based oxide: a otential lithium-ion battery anode material
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 5374-5378 (2014)
- Kojima R, Okumura M, Masui S, Kanemura S, Inoue M, Saiki M, Yamaguchi H, Hikima T, Suzuki M, Akiyama S and Inaba K.
Radically Different Thioredoxin Domain Arrangement of ERp46, an Efficient Disulfide Bond Introducer of the Mammalian PDI Family
Structure 22, 431-443 (2014)
- Yutaka Shikano
Stereographical Visualization of Polarization State using Weak Measurement with Optical Vortex Beam
InterdisciplinaryWorkshop on Quantum Device -towards operation of the quantum information and the quantum computer- 2014,National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, 2014/3
- Yutaka Shikano, Tatsaki Wada, and Junsei Horikawa
Discrete-time quantum walk with feed-forward quantum coin
Scientific Reports 4, 4427 (2014)
- Akiyama S
Small-angle x-ray Scattering Study on Cyanobacterial Clock Protein KaiC
The 6th Taiwan-Japan Joint Meeting on X-ray and Neutron Scattering,Taipei, Taiwan, 2014/3/11
- 石﨑章仁
第6回超高速時間分解光計測研究会「ソフトマターの先端光計測」,ホテルクラウンパレス浜松, 2014/3/4
- Yutaka Shikano
Observation of Aharonov-Bohm effect with quantum tunneling
Fifth Nagoya WinterWorkshop on Quantum Information, Measurement, and Foundations
Nagoya University , 2014/3/3 - 小林 玄器
大阪大学 産業科学研究所 ナノテクロノジーセンター「若手セミナー」,大阪大学産業科学研究所, 2014/2/27-28
- Genki Kobayashi
Solid State Ionics for Next-Generation Electrochemical Devices
Asian CORE Winter School on Frontiers of Molecular, Photo-, and Material Sciences , Taipei, Taiwan ,2014/2/25
- Akiyama S
KaiC as A Circadian Pacemaker of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock
Asian CORE Winter School on Frontiers of Molecular, Photo-, and Material
Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan , 2014/2/25 - Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Sheathed nanowires aligned by crystallographic periodicity: a possibility of cross-bar wiring in three-dimensional space
CrystEngComm 16, 2857 - 2868 (2014)
What do we learn about photosynthetic light harvesting systems from long-lived electronic quantum coherence?
German-Japanese Colloquium on Frontiers of Laser Science, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg , Germany, 2014/1/15-17
- 石﨑章仁
京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻, 2014/1
- 鹿野 豊