IMS Research Center of Integrative Molecular Systems (CIMoS)


The 5th CIMoS Seminar
Dynamics of lipids and proteins in and on artificial cell membranes

The 5th CIMoS Seminar <br>Dynamics of lipids and proteins in and on artificial cell membranes

Lateral diffusion and two dimensional organization of lipids and proteins are crucial fundamental processes in cell membrane reactions such as the transportation of materials, information and energy in and out of cells. Here I introduce our works on the dynamic processes of lipids and proteins in and on supported lipid bilayers (SLBs), one of artificial lipid membrane systems formed at solid-liquid interfaces [1,2]. I also show our recent experimental results about the lipid membranes on graphene oxide from the view point of the bio-interface on device materials.

[1] R. Tero, "Substrate Effects on the Formation Process, Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Supported Lipid Bilayers", Materials, 5, 2658 (2012).

[2] 古川一暁, 並河英紀, 村越敬, 森垣憲一, 手老龍吾, 「支持膜 ~固体表面に支持した脂質二重膜~」, 表面科学, 30, 207 (2009).

date Sep 10, 2013 (Tue) 10:00-
Place 201 Seminar Room, Main Office Building of IMS
Title The 5th CIMoS Seminar Dynamics of lipids and proteins in and on artificial cell membranes
Speaker Ryugo Tero
Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS), Toyohashi University of Technology