IMS Research Center of Integrative Molecular Systems (CIMoS)

News and publication

2nd CIMoS Get-together Lunch(Sep. 29, 2014, Mon, 12:00-13:00 @ Room 202)

CIMoS get-together lunch has been held regularly to deepen our mutual understanding. Each time, attendees enjoy a scientific topic and have a pleasant chat while eating the lunch. This time, Yamamoto-san gave us a talk about the present state and future perspectives on devices mimicking molecular systems in natural world. It is likely that some fruitful collaboration have already been launched together with CIMoS/non-CIMoS member.

Next time of CIMoS get-together lunch is supposed to be held on 10/22 (Wed) @ Room 202. We are very happy to have Murahashi-san as the presenter, and welcome all of you who might be interested in our activities.


