iMSaxs stands for integrated measurement system for small-angle x-ray scattering. This apparatus covers a wide range of spatial information from sub-nanometer up to sub-micrometer, accelerating your researches especially on molecular systems functioning over multiple layers of spatiotemporal hierarchies. Please contact the manager for any inquiries and/or application of the joint research using iMSaxs.
A sample is irradiated with x-ray, and the intensity of scattered x-ray is recorded on the 2D detector. Because a solution sample containing a monodispersed protein gives isotropic scattering patterns in contrast to crystalline- and oriented-samples, circular averaging round the origin results in the x-ray scattering intensity, I(Q), as a function of the scattering angular momentum (roughly speaking, angle), Q. In ordinary experiments, the scattering intensities of the protein solution and of its matching buffer without the proteins are recorded separately, and the latter is subtracted from the former to extract the scattering curve of the solute, i.e. hydrated protein molecules. The SAXS curve can be analyzed from many perspectives to evaluate the size and shape; Guinier analysis to obtain radius of gyration (Rg) and forward scattering intensity, pair-distribution function estimated by indirect Fourier transformation, low-resolution shape reconstruction, and comparisons with the crystal and/or model structures in reciprocal space.
検出器はDECTRIS社のPILATUS 200Kを採用しています。検出器を平行移動させることで、モジュール間の継ぎ目のない散乱・回折パターンを記録することもできます。各スリットのピンホール径、ビームストッパー径、試料と検出器の距離などを変化させて、試料に最適な小角カメラを選びます。上表のように、現状ではA~Kで区別される11段階の小角カメラで運用しています。それ以外の小角カメラ設定については管理者と要相談です。状況にもよりますが、カメラ長変更+光学調整には約1時間を要します。
The PILATUS 200K@DECTRIS is a hybrid pixel array detector of 1 × 2 PILATUS modules. Users are requested to select an optimized camera setup from 11 different ones (A ~ K), each differs in the pinhole diameter of slits, the beam-stopper diameter, and the sample-detector distance. It takes roughly one hour to move one camera setup to the other.
標準試料として用いられる牛血清アルブミン(BSA)の散乱パターンをA~Kの小角カメラで記録しました(上図)。3mg/mlの試料濃度で30min積算を基本とし、広角測定(A, B)と極小角測定(K)では10 mg/mlで60 minの積算としている。図中の散乱曲線は試料濃度と露光時間に対して規格化されていますが、ビーム強度に対しては規格化されていません。小角カメラ設定がAからKとなるにつれ、測定可能領域は広角(高分解能)側から小角(低分解能)側へとシフトしていき、同時に入射ビーム強度が弱くなるために信号強度が弱くなっていきます。
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is often used as a standard sample. In the above figure, the SAXS curves of 3 (or 10) mg/ml BSA were taken with a 30 (or 60) min exposure time at different camera setups (A~K), and were normalized by both the sample concentration and exposure time, but not by the intensity of the incident x-ray beam. As the camera setup goes from A to K, the range covered by the detector shifts in the lower angle and the intensities of the incident/signal x-ray become lower.
The volume of a standard cuvette dedicated to aqueous samples is 26 micro litter. The cuvette is reversibly mounted and dismounted onto the temperature-controlling cuvette holder (from 4 to 100 deg.C.).
iMSaxsの周囲には生化学実験を行うための機器類が整備されており、タンパク質をはじめとする生体高分子試料の調製や評価ができます。主な機器としては、微量分光光度計(NanoPhotometer P330, Implen)、電子天秤(CP3202S, CP224S, Sartorius)、pH計(LAQUA F-73, HORIBA)、高速液体クロマトグラフィー(AKTA-FPLC, GE)、動的光散乱(DynaPro Titan, Wyatt)、卓上クリーンベンチ(Clean Booth BB-100, AS ONE)、超音波洗浄機(1510J-MT, BRANSON)、微量透析システム(Bio-Tech, COSMO BIO)などがあります。
iMSaxs is installed together with apparatus for preparations and evaluations of user’s samples; spectrophotometer (NanoPhotometer P330, Implen), electronic balances (CP3202S, CP224S, Sartorius), pH meter (LAQUA F-73, HORIBA), HPLC (AKTA-FPLC, GE), dynamic light scattering (DynaPro Titan, Wyatt), desktop clean bench (Clean Booth BB-100, AS ONE), supersonic washers (1510J-MT, BRANSON), and oscillatory microdialysis system (Bio-Tech, COSMO BIO).
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SasDR (ver 1.3) ≫ Download (for registered users) ≫ Registration (for new users) |
A software to reduce the 2D image data into 1D scattering curve.
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SasAvg (ver 1.0) ≫ Download (for registered users) ≫ Registration (for new users) |
A software to calculate an average of multiple 1D scattering curves.
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SasExtrap (ver 1.0) ≫ Download (for registered users) ≫ Registration (for new users) |
A software to estimate a scattering curve extrapolated to infinite dilution
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NanoVCtrl (ver 1.0) ≫ Download (for registered users) ≫ Registration (for new users) |
A software to send information of measurement sequence to NanoViewer@RIGAKU and to export measurement conditions as xml files for SasDR.
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dTREK2TIFF (ver 1.0) ≫ Download (for registered users) ≫ Registration (for new users) |
A software to convert d*TREK@RIGAKU into TIFF@Pilatus200K.
Anzai I, Tokuda E, Handa S, Misawa H, Akiyama S, Furukawa Y*
Oxidative misfolding of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase triggered by non-canonical intramolecular disulfide formation
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 147, 187-199; (2020)
Okumura M*, Noi K, Kanemura S, Kinoshita M, Saio T, Inoue Y, Hikima T, Akiyama S, Ogura T*, Inaba K*
Dynamic assembly of protein disulfide isomerase in catalysis of oxidative folding
Nature Chemical Biology 15, 499–509; doi: 10.1038/s41589-019-0268-8 (2019)
Nuemket N, Yasui N, Kusakabe Y, Nomura Y, Atsumi N, Akiyama S, Nango E, Kato Y, Kaneko M K, Takagi J, Hosotani M, Yamashita A*
Structural basis for perception of diverse chemical substances by T1r taste receptors
Nature Communications 8, 15530 (2017)
Anzai I, Tokuda E, Mukaiyama A, Akiyama S, Endo F, Yamanaka K, Misawa H, Furukawa Y*
A misfolded dimer of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase leading to pathological oligomerization in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Protein Science doi: 10.1002/pro.3094 (2016)
Kanemura S, Okumura M, Yutani K, Ramming T, Hikima T, Appenzeller-Herzog C, Akiyama S, Inaba K*
Human ER oxidoreductin-1α (Ero1α) undergoes dual regulation through complementary redox interactions with Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI)
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 23952-23964 (2016)
Nango E, Akiyama S, Maki-Yonekura S, Ashikawa Y, Kusakabe Y, Krayukhina E, Maruno T, Uchiyama S, Nuemket N, Yonekura K, Shimizu M, Atsumi N, Yasui N, Hikima T, Yamamoto M, Kobayash Y, Yamashita A*
Taste Substance Binding Elicits Conformational Change of Taste Receptor T1r Heterodimer Extracellular Domains
Scientific Reports 6, 25745; doi: 10.1038/srep25745 (2016)
Furukawa Y*, Anzai I, Akiyama S, Imai M, Cruz FJC, Saio T, Nagasawa K, Nomura T, and Ishimori K
Conformational Disorder of the Most Immature Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Leading to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 4144-4155 (2016)
Mukaiyama A, Osako M, Hikima T, Kondo T, and Akiyama S*
A protocol for preparing nucleotide-free KaiC monomer
BIOPHYSICS 11, 79-84 (2015)
Kojima R, Okumura M, Masui S, Kanemura S, Inoue M, Saiki M, Yamaguchi H, Hikima T, Suzuki M, Akiyama S and Inaba K*
Radically Different Thioredoxin Domain Arrangement of ERp46, an Efficient Disulfide Bond Introducer of the Mammalian PDI Family
Structure 22, 431-443 (2014)